Type of Membership:
Individual or General Membership.
Organisations / Institutions Membership
Lifetime Membership
Rights and Privileges of members
Subject to the provision of these rules generally or any Bye laws there under, a member shall amongst other have the following rights and privileges –
Right to vote at General Meetings of the Trust provided that the annual subscription and other dues, if any, have been paid in time
Right to obtain information about working and accounts of the Trust.
Termination of Membership
Membership of the Trust will be terminated on any of the following reasons:-
By resignation
By loss of qualification
By death
By illegal activities
Ineligibility for membership
A person shall not be eligible for being chosen as a member of the Trust – if,
He holds any office of profit under the Trust.
He has been adjudged by a competent court to be of unsound mind or is deaf and mute or is one suffering from leprosy or tuberculosis.
He is an un discharged insolvent.
He has been convicted of any offence in solving moral turpitude.
He is so ineligible by any Rule or Bye-laws of the Trust.
Rules and regulations for membership of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Research Foundation:
All members are subject to the rules and regulations of the Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Research Foundation.
Only individual membership will be accepted and membership is nontransferable. The Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Research Foundation will be free to take any decision on the application of the natural heir of a member for the transfer of membership of him/ her on the demise of the concerned member.
The membership does not entitle or create any right to the trusteeship of the Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Research Foundation.
The membership is restricted to individuals (persons/ institutions) who undertake and agree to follow, observe and put into action the main objectives of the Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Research Foundation. In the event of membership by an institution, only a person, according to the laws of that particular institution, or a person nominated by that particular Institution may attain benefits of the membership.
Donation for the membership of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Research Foundation is entirely non-refundable.
Membership will be terminated automatically in the event of indulging in any activity which violates the rules and regulations of the Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Research Foundation, tarnishes the image and harms the reputation of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Research Foundation.